Closing The Gap: Preparing To Move Out Of State For Your Long-Distance Love

The "where is this going" relationship talk means something different to lovers who live within 10 miles of one another than those lovers who live 10 states away. If you and your long-distance significant other have decided that where you are going means moving in together, you will have a large amount of physical and emotional preparations to make if you are the one making the move. Here are some less common items that you should take care of before a closing the gap on a long-distance relationship.

Take a look at the lease separately

While you should go with your significant other to look at properties and agree on a rental, you will both need to sign your name on the dotted line to rent the property together. Be sure that you read over the terms and conditions of the lease on your own. In the event of a breakup, you can be left holding the bag on the property payments and maintenance. You may also want to know what it will take to buy out the lease if you determine things are not working out and wish to make another long-distance move to your old state. These are important for you to note, though you may not want your partner to know these concerns. Comb over the lease on your own to find out the terms and conditions that you need to keep in mind.

Find a support network

One of the hard truths about moving to your significant other is that they likely have a support network in place. They will have friends and family that they enjoy activities with and can see regularly, while you only have your significant other. If you wind up feeling alone while they have a good network, this can cause a wedge between the two of you. Prior to moving, join some groups and clubs during your visit to the city. Find business networks that you can take part in due to your career. You may also consider finding a therapist in the city, if you have gone to therapy for help in the past. Finding support and quality time outside of the relationship will be good for the two of you.

Set up your own room

While it is customary for a couple who moves in together to share a room, moving in with a long-distance partner requires heavy adjustment. If being together all of the time will be jarring for you, have movers, such as Men On The Move, help you set up a second bedroom. It is OK to transition into being around one another all of the time, rather than jumping in all at once. Slow adjustments where everyone erects the proper boundaries but receives the necessary amount of tender love and care will have a positive lasting impact on the future of the relationship.  
