Four Tips For Moving On A Hot, Sweaty Day

Packing all of your items into a truck and toting them to a new place is never really fun, but on a sweltering hot day, it can be downright painful. If you get stuck moving on a day where the thermometer is soaring, follow these tips to make the experience safer and more bearable.

Rotate between inside and outside jobs.

Assuming you have friends or family members over to help you move, you should make sure everyone rotates between working inside and working outside so that nobody gets too overheated. For example, person 1 and person 2 can start outside loading the truck, while person 3 and person 4 pack items up inside. After an hour, persons 1 and 2 can head inside, while persons 3 and 4 head out to the truck.

Schedule a break for lunch – and cooling time.

When you really want to get out of there, it's tempting to just push through the discomfort. But this can be dangerous on a hot day when there's a real worry of overheating and becoming dehydrated. To keep yourself and others safe, decide on a break time before you even start working. When that time arrives, insist that everyone puts down what they're doing and takes some time to cool off, eat, and drink.

Think twice before offering your helpers a beer.

Offering friends beer for helping you move is a tradition in some circles. But drinking alcohol can be dangerous when the temperature soars. You and your friends may get too dehydrated, become delirious and injure yourself on the moving truck, or fail to use the best judgment when moving heavy furniture. If you want to give your friends beer for helping you out, promise to do so on a later date after all of the moving work is complete. And make sure you drink in a cool, safe location.

Set up buckets of cooling cloths.

Outside near the moving truck, set up a bucket of ice water with some cloths in it. Your helpers (and you) can grab the cloths and hold them over their faces to cool off as needed. Replace the ice water often as the ice will melt and the water will get warm.

In addition to following the tips above, make sure you offer everyone cold, non-alcoholic beverages often, and take a break if you begin to feel too hot, dizzy or weak.

For help with your move, consider contacting a moving company like A W Moving & Storage.
